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A Prom Night to Remember

Prom party 2016_170401_0043SC Park Hotel – M3/12 heads to SC Park hotel on the night of March 31, 2017 to celebrate the culmination of their MEP Junior years. Beautiful dresses and shining faces glittered and made the simple and humble event more astonishing. Friends, parents and teachers all dressed up humbly to add more sparkle on the Prom Night Celebration. See for yourself!

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The night was cheerful for it started with an awesome dinner with a melodious music accompaniment courtesy of a “parent;s friend” . We were all “bellyfull” and having a moment of sweets when the whole cozy evening room began to roar with students live and impromptu karaoke.

Prom party 2016_170401_0036Prom party 2016_170401_0037_0Alas! Hidden singing talents and entertainment factor were discovered and unleashed during that night. Everyone was embellished with all astonishment as all M3/12 not only selected showed their dexterity in many aspects.

We danced and let ourselves out. That once this night, we broke the gap of being in the classroom atmosphere but instead we are all human beings meant to express and let ourselves go. Prince Junior and Princess Kaowtang rocks the night as they were unanimously voted as the shining stars of the evening.

And above all, the night ended joyously with reconciliation, promised friendship, gratitude and love of MEP! The love and pride of being an MEP Alumni! For distance may set us apart for now, together we shall come home, together we shall come back in MEP.

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We are MEP! We are NMK! We are Family!


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M3/12 shines at NMK Recognition Day

S__856077731 March 2017 – NMK’s recognition rites for M6 and M3 students. Photo stops were set-up on the school’s football pitch. Up in the conference hall where the recognition ceremony was held, a photo booth stop were also installed, ready for”capturing memorabilia” of our dear  students, teachers, parents and good friends.

This is indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity for high-schoolers. Needless to say, this is also the moment were teachers will witness majestic progress of their beloved learners after years of mentoring.

And we are proud to say that M3/12 indeed bear the fruits of their hard work, sleepless nights of studying and excruciating projects. Not only that they excelled in academic subjects, much to that, they have proven their mental capacity to surpass all tests and even achieved the topmost rank of excellence.

At this very moment, I am stunned, I am speechless, I am very proud with all of you! Kudos M 3/12! You’re all remarkable and extraordinary. Keep it up until your next journey.