Posted in Academic Activities, Science, Teachers' Activities

The Flower Experiment

M1/12 Science groups conducted the flower experiment on understanding and identifying the parts of a flower. In fact, it is one of the most interesting experiments that every M1/12 students must do.

Each group brought with them their own pick of flowers, laid it on the table for all members to study and get familiar with.

Students were occupied on dissecting the flowers’ parts and prepared to tape it on their notebook as an illustration and properly labelled.

AS to finishing the experiment, students made a table on their notebook listing the identified parts as well as writing their specific functions.


Posted in Extracurricular Activities, Fun English, Teachers' Activities

Activity Day!!!

Today is a fun Thursday for M1/12 and M2/12 English classes. That is, the class started by playing Bingo Review Vocabulary. In this game, groups who will get the first fully marked boxes on their card must raise their cards and shout B-I-N-G-O! Then, they eran the points.



Next, they also enjoyed listening to music while filling up the LYRICS GAP FILL. What’s more to say! They are enjoying yet they are learning as well.





Not only that, students also get to enjoy the beat of Just Dance Wii of Swish Swish and Timber. And above all, the highlight of the classroom break-time activity is the dancing of YMCA by the MEP BOYS.


It was a fun Thursday for M1/12 and M2/12, from from playing Bingo Games to Dancing everyone had their bits of fun with the mix of English.